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It’s about QUALITY not Quantity

on January 5, 2012
Information provided from Audrey Sommerfeld, Senior Vice-President of Marketing with ViSalus Sciences regarding the protein blend in the Shake Mix.

When Dr. Witherly and I created the shake, we wanted to create the perfect ‘meal’ to help people build and maintain lean muscle, burn fat, and feel healthier.   The Tri-Sorb protein blend is a unique blend of highly absorbable proteins. First we use non-GMO soy that has been processed to remove isoflavones that can impact estrogen. Why soy? It is a complete protein, easily digested, and adequate consumption can help the body reduce cholesterol and c-reactive protein. Studies show that soy can build lean muscle as good, and in some studies better than whey proteins.   We then use a whey concentrate, and the newest technology in whey hydrolysate. This is the most concentrated and ‘clean’ protein on the market today, and is very expensive. The key reason is it builds lean muscle. The FDA allows it to be called a ‘fat loss accelerant’ as a result..the only protein that can use that claim. Our proteins have been specially processed to remove fat, lactose, and carbs.   We add in the Aminogen, a patented and clinically tested amino acid to aide protein absorption. Many body builders buy this product in nutrition stores to aid their body. We include it.   The key is that not all proteins are created equal. If you read the nutritional labels, some will use gelatin to ‘spike’ the grams of protein. Gelatin is great for skin and hair, but not so good at building muscle. Some use milk powder or milk protein. Great for bone health, but not so good at building lean muscle. Some use whey, which is ok, but only about 75-80% absorbed. So with ours, it’s quality, not quantity…and we absorb more because of our blend.


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