A simple place to capture the moments of my crazy life

Pictures Don’t Lie

on January 18, 2012

As most of you know, Peter and I have just finished our 1st, 90 day challenge with Body by Vi!! Our challenge journey started Tuesday October 11, 2011 and finished January 8, 2012!! What a wild and crazy ride it was, I can’t believe the changes in our life, in 90 days. Truly incredible really, to change one’s life in the course of a single 90 day period. We started this journey with some friends, because as with anything in life, working as a team makes everything that much more enjoyable. As a team of 4, we set out to change our health, lives and prosperity. Together we stood as one to fight the war on OBESITY, to change our lives, and be an example to those around us. As a team, we are slowly but surely winning that challenge!!

I know in the past, I have made deals with myself to try to lose the weight, go to the gym, I know how to eat healthy, what to eat more of and what to avoid. But did I do it??? Not really, I would try, I would make an attempt, I would have the best intentions, but I would fail time and time again. I tried, pills, supplements, weight watchers, Herbal Magic, SlimFast, Apple Cider pills, protein powders, portion control, high protein diets, low carb diets, talked to my doctor too, took appetite suppressants, Beverly Hills Weight Loss, exercise you name it, aside from surgery I tried it. So, what was missing?? The lack of willpower?? No I don’t think so, I have been clean and sober for almost 17 years, I know about willpower, and avoiding things that will hurt me, I know how to take control of my cravings and my life, but why did nothing else work?

Well, there are a couple of reasons, the first being, it obviously wasn’t time for me to get serious, I needed to hit a certain breaking point before I could really make the decision to get healthy. Much the same as the alcoholic, who before they can truly get clean and sober, must hit rock bottom. What is rock bottom?? What does it look like?? Well, for me, in this particular journey, it was staring at me every day in my bathroom mirror, this face, my face, getting puffier and puffier, my arms getting bigger, my waist increasing, the lack of desire to look at myself in the mirror. There were other signs too, lack of energy, lack of ambition, lack of desire, negativity the list goes on and on. Many of you have experienced that same things. The other reason, why nothing else worked, was actually quite simple,  it didn’t fit into my lifestyle. Excuse?? Possibly, but that’s the reality, dieting just didn’t fit into my lifestyle. I am also a LOVER of food, good food, rich food, sweet food, salty food, shit I’m in the food industry, I cook for a living, how do you not eat it?? Sample?? Indulge? But the bottom line is I LOVE FOOD, I don’t believe I am a food addict, as I had traveled that train of thought for a period of time.

What’s different this time?? The product, yes, the company, yes, me – MOST DEFINITELY , I WANT IT NOW!!! I don’t want to die before all my girls are grown and married, with babies, I want to see grandbabies, and great-grandbabies, but I definitely was NOT going to get there doing the things I was doing. So, when OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS …. eventually YOU TAKE IT and RUN!! Which is EXACTLY what Peter and I have done. We saw the opportunity to change our lives FOREVER, to get healthy, to teach our kids to be healthy, to love life, and honestly FALL IN LOVE with each other all over again. Does this sound like a line to you?? It possibly does, because it’s definitely a different side of Krista, than most of you are used to seeing, but this is ME, I want to live, today I CHOOSE LIFE!!! I truly can’t see myself stopping until I have reached all my goals, all of my goals, to improve my HEALTH, LIFE and PROSPERITY!! And I AM loving every minute of it. Does that mean I don’t falter from time to time … heck ya I’m human, I’m not a robot, but today, instead of letting it get me down, I just brush off the dirt and get back on the ride of a lifetime. I have a picture in my mind today of what a year from now looks like … and it is so different from what I see in front of me today!! I’m excited, and I wish I could share even a portion of my excitement with each and every one of you.

I am not on a diet, I’m on a total lifestyle change, body mind and spirit. Am I losing weight and inches, HELL YA I am, but it is so much more than that. Its about living life to the fullest, about changing the old records that are out of date and taking up way too much space in my mind, it’s about letting my spirit and trusting in a God, much greater than me, to lead me. Today I can look at myself in the  mirror, and see the beginning of the person I WANT TO BE, —- ME!! Today, I am taking control of my life, and changing it in a way that wasn’t possibly 99 days ago, it wasn’t even on my radar of possibilities!! AMAZING!!!! One simple challenge – has changed my life FOREVER. Changed the way I look at the world, the people I meet everything, and I can promise you this, it’s a change I wasn’t really even looking for, an opportunity that I didn’t really think was possible. BUT there came a KNOCK and I answered!!! I wasn’t looking for a sign … but I FOUND ONE!!!

Here is a visual image for you … of what a lifestyle change looks like …

This is just the beginning … the BEST is yet to come!! I want to invite each and every one of you reading this to join me today, in this journey, of LIFE HEALTH and PROSPERITY. What do you have to lose???

Peace and Blessings




3 responses to “Pictures Don’t Lie

  1. sandy says:

    Congrat’s !!… you are inspiration 🙂

  2. Stephanie says:

    Your Amazing, Thanks for sharing your journey

    Much Love from your new friends in BC 🙂 ❤ Steph

  3. MamaZA says:


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